Let your prayers be fervent, unceasing and unrelenting, says the LORD. I HEAR THEM! I record them. I answer them. Don’t stop. Do not become discouraged. The answers are on the way, and you will never regret waiting on Me and trusting that I will honor your prayers, that I hear your voice and your supplications are never forgotten or ignored, says the LORD.

I Am always on spot and on time, says the LORD. Nothing delays Me, stops Me, alters Me, distracts Me or manipulates ME. I do everything for you that is perfect, and all My work is good. You are My OWN investment, and I do nothing that is flawed, impure, and unwholesome. What I begin, I complete and perfect, and you are MY WORKMANSHIP that is priceless, and I will perfect what concerns you, for you are MY CONCERN. I will never have any unfinished business and you will be a complete WORK of My own unfailing hands, and you will have everything you need to complete you assigned position in My kingdom that is without end, and you will FINISH WELL, as I equip you and empower you and complete you, says the LORD.

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