I Will Open Doors for You

I will open doors for you, says the LORD. You do not have to pound on them. You do not have to push them open with force, for I Am the ONE who orders your steps and directs you into the purposes that I have decreed over your life. You will not need to make things happen or trust that others will be the cause of your success. I AM, as you entrust your life and destiny to ME. I WILL MAKE THINGS HAPPEN, and you will be astounded by what I do, and the places that I have prepared for you and how I put things in motion for you, says the LORD.

You do not have to look for My blessings, says the LORD. I will pour them down upon you. There will be no attached sorrow to what I give to you, and you will be thrilled. There will be more than enough and your heart will sing of My goodness and mercy that I have poured out upon you in the land of the living and you will have more than you could ever imagine, as I beautify you and fill you with good things. Says the LORD.

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