My blessings will always enrich you, says the LORD. They will never bind you, never harm you, never bring you sorrow, but will give you great joy. I will give you great spiritual blessings that will spill over into your environs and your life. For My supernatural blessings will invade the natural, and you will have more than enough, as you seek Me with all your heart, and love Me with every fiber of your being. You cannot love Me more than I love you. You cannot bless Me more than I bless you. You cannot serve Me more than I serve you, says the LORD.

For I will pour out My blessings upon blessings upon blessings to those who seek My kingdom and righteousness first, says the LORD. Those who seek Me will find ME. As you do, you will not have room enough to contain all that I have for you. I will pour out My love, pour out My grace, pour out My presence, pour out My Spirit, pour out My blessings, and you will have abundance. You will not have to ask for My unspeakable blessings, for I will add them to you, and astound you, and you will put your hand over your mouth in awe of all that I give you and do for you and do through you, that will be shocking, unprecedented and glorious, says the LORD.

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