When You Ask Me Questions, Wait for My Answer

I welcome your questions, says the LORD. You can ask Me anything that you want to and share every need with Me that you have. I Am aware of your multiple concerns and situations that are beyond your understanding. I will never close my ears to your prayers or ignore you. I Am a GOD of detail and nothing that pertains to you and those you love is too big or too small for Me to help you with. You are not troubling Me or boring Me with any of your cares. You always have access to Me, and everything that is important to you is also important to Me, because I value you, says the Lord.

What I desire is for you to wait on Me for the answer, says the LORD. Why come to Me for help and then not wait for My reply? I told you that I will direct your path, enlighten your steps that I order, and guide you continually. So, trust Me to not only hear your prayers, but believe that I will answer you. I AM all-wise, ever-present and all-knowing, and I will give you the counsel that you need. Wisdom comes from Me, if you will only ask for it and believe and receive it from Me. I will help you and give you the answers that you need as you entrust your total care to Me and wait on Me, rather than rushing to resolve things on your own. I have a plan and purpose for anything and everything, and you will know My will as you ask, seek, wait and obey My voice that I promised you would hear, and just follow My lead, says the LORD.

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