You Are a Pleasure and Treasure to Me

I have created you for My pleasure and you are a treasure to Me, says the LORD. Do not see yourself as disregarded and without value. You are not laying on the shelf and collecting dust. You are not like costume jewelry, but as a pearl of great price. I value you! I have created you for My glory. There is nothing about you that I Am not aware of. I hold you in the palm of My hand and will not let you go. I paid a great price for you by My shed blood and finished work on the cross, and you belong exclusively to ME. You will never be for sale or auctioned off to the highest bidder. You are priceless and precious in My sight, says the LORD.

The enemy cannot demote you or detain you or disqualify you, says the LORD. He doesn’t own you and cannot dictate to you. I Am in charge of every moment of your existence, and I have purpose for you. Your times and seasons are in MY hands and control, not the enemy. I will order your steps and enlighten the path that is set before you. I Am the door opener, and I will lead and guide you continually. Your pace is what I SET! Do not think that you are forgotten when the steps seem small or you are at a standstill. I am holding you in My hands as My honorable child, and you are being molded and shaped by My OWN hands. What I do is perfect and without flaw. Trust that I have you, and that you are being prepared or every good work that I will fully equip and prepare and provision you for, says the LORD.

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