Fearless, Steadfast, Immovable, Abounding

Why are you so fearful? I ask?  Where is your faith and trust in Me?  Use it, and hold onto it without any glitches, says the LORD.  Be steadfast. Be immovable.   Abound in the GOOD WORKS I have ordained for you to fulfill! Be steady on your feet, and be ready to convey to everyone you encounter why you are at peace because of the hope that I have given you that is a LIVING HOPE.  You are not to fear, but be bold  and strong and unwavering in your trust and faith in Me.  For as you look to Me, you will not be focused on the winds of adversity, the sudden storms, or the threatening words of the evil one, says the LORD.

Keep your eyes fixed on Me, and attend to My infallible Words that are SPIRIT and LIFE in you always, says the LORD.  Too many words promote fear and unrest in you, and as you turn your ear away from those voices and squelch out their sound, you will HEAR MINE, clearly and confidently.  I will never fail to speak, and I will never fail you.  BE ALERT to what I AM SPEAKING, and follow MY VOICE that will lead you and guide you unto ALL GOOD WORKS that will always glorify Me, says the LORD.

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