Steadfast, Immovable, Unshakable, Abounding

I will make you steadfast, unshakable, immovable, always abounding in My work, says the LORD. Nothing can shake you, as I Am a SURE and solid foundation for you. I have planted you into My kingdom that is without end. You cannot be uprooted by anything or anyone. I have sealed you with My SPIRIT, and placed My name upon you, owning you, and making you tamper proof. I will not release you into the hands of another for their good or evil intentions, because I have reserved and preserved you for MYSELF and My purposes that are far superior than any other, says the LORD.

When I say abounding, that is what I mean, says the LORD. Out with the restrictions and the encumbrances. Out with the limitations! The walls will give way to My will and come tumbling down right before you. You will walk straight forward, and nothing will keep you from your destiny purposes in Me. They will abound. My work will go forward. You will have unlimited favor and grace, and a fresh anointing will be poured out onto you, as I revive you, refresh you, empower you and you will have a great impact on others as I use you for My glory, and give you the extreme power and presence of MY SPIRIT that brings you into a new realm of My glory, says the LORD.

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