Be my Spirit

By My Spirit

By My Spirit, says the Lord. By My power. By My presence. By My Word. I will effect. I will penetrate. I will move. I will work. For My Spirit is irresistible. My Spirit cannot be stopped. My fire cannot be quenched and My will cannot be undone. I will not be dictated to, and there is no power that can out-power Me. I Am with you and Am your completeness. For your strength is not in yourself or your gifts or your abilities, but My Spirit that is working in you and through you. It is undefeatable and unrestricted, says the Lord.

You will be empowered and refilled with My Holy Spirit that will energize you and refresh you. You will no longer run from the threats of the enemy, but fiercely confront him. For The Sword of My Spirit is in your mouth, even as it is in Mine, and My Word that is a fire will defeat him every time. Walk in My Spirit, for there is life and vitality in Me and you will be empowered to do that which you deemed impossible before. For the word impossible is not in My vocabulary and it will not define you, detain you, destroy you or keep you from the certain victory that I have commanded and decreed over you, says the Lord.

Audio/visual version:

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