Sanctuary of Rest

I Am a sanctuary of rest for you, says the Lord. You are safe and secure in Me at all times, regardless of the violent winds of adversity and the raging storms of life that come against you suddenly and unexpectedly. I will shield you and protect you and keep you day and night. For I Am bigger than the storms and better than any other shelter you can find. I never fail, and you will not fail either. For I Am with you always, and Am your stability, as you quiet yourself, and place your confidence in Me, says the LORD.

Do not ever say, “I barely made it through,” says the Lord. For I have made you a mighty warrior with superior weapons that cannot be out powered. You are more than a conqueror in Me. Every battle that you face is Mine,  and I will fight with you. I will fight for you, and there is no power that can defeat you as I stand with you. Undefeated is My description of you as you stand, steadfast, immovable, always abounding in My Work. I have empowered you by My Spirit in you to overcome and overwhelm the enemy, as I always cause you to triumph in Me, says the Lord.

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