I Am Making A Way for You

I Am making  a way for you, says the Lord, for I Am the Way. I Am activating and accelerating you. I Am removing the speed limits and you will be picking up speed. Do not look to the left or right, but keep your eyes fixed ahead, for I want you on the fast track and in the passing lane. Do not look back. The past is not your future and not to be your focus. Don’t even glance back! I Am your rear guard and I have you back. The failures of the past that you have focused on are only holding you and keeping you from going forward in the place I want you to be. Your past history will not define you, and will not be repeated. The losses and the disappointments will not impair you now. Be determined. You will not be trapped and bound by the negativity around you as you listen to My voice and squelch out the tormenting voices of the past that scream over cautiousness and constant warnings. Listen to My still, small voice that is reassuring you that your future is planned by Me and good, says the Lord.

Your fears are not legitimate and come from the enemy to paralyze you, says the Lord. Don’t even go there! I Am your peace. I give you peace and permission to embrace the future with full speed ahead. I have filled you with My Spirit that will fuel you, and the winds of My Spirit will blow and press against you, moving you forward in Me! Trust that the past is dead and buried, and the days of mourning are over. You have been released from the old and given the new. Adventure is not to create resistance and fear in you. Get excited! It is not a trap or false illusion. See what I see and know that the time is at hand. It is time. Your times are in My hands and it is time for you to keep pace with Me and let Me pilot you and propel you forward at warp speed into your destiny in Me, says the Lord.

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