You Are a Mighty Warrior

I have prayed for you that your faith does not fail, says the Lord. Do not succumb to fear and doubt, just because the enemy is relentless in his threats and attacks against you. It is a fight, and you are not a wimp. You are a mighty warrior, and I have fully equipped you for the battle. You will not fail, if you hold fast to your confession of faith. Hold tight to My hand, and know that I will hold you up, and keep you from falling, says the Lord.

Fear and terror is the enemy’s strategy, says the Lord. Faith and trust in Me and My Word is the weapon that will work every time. I have given you everything that you need to succeed. I have empowered you, by My Spirit to be a mighty conqueror, and I Am with you always. You never face any difficulty alone, though many have forsaken you when things got rough. I never did and I never will. I will be with you in trouble, and bring you out of it, and you will wear the victor’s crown. Hold fast,for I Am with you, always, says the Lord.

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