Courage and Faith

I have given you courage and faith, says the Lord.  Use what is already yours!  You did not manufacture it, and you are not the author of it.  I Am.  I have given you precious and priceless gifts that I will not extract from you. You are furnished and enabled to stand up and contend for the things I have promised you by the faith that you have.  I have made you to be a conqueror and a threat to the enemy, not to be a coward and retreat from Him.  You are not to be backed into a corner or imprisoned by him.  I have given you the sword of My Spirit and the shield of My faith, not to sit beside you or be in a closet, or on a shelf to display, but to put on and use successfully, says the Lord.

Defeat is not an option, for I Am the Greater ONE with you and in you, says the Lord.  I have given you all the weapons that you need and you have ammunition that will never miss the target as you use what is already given to you.  The enemy cannot out power Me, and cannot destroy you as you stand, complete in Me.  Strap on My armor and use these weapons, and do not fear the giants, the iron chariots, the walls or the diabolical weapons of the enemy.  For they will not work against you as you act on Who you are in Me, and Know that I cannot fail, and you will not fail either.  Be courageous and stand up and fight, for the challenges that are before you will not hold you hostage or defeat your purpose in Me or keep you from possessing your personal promised land, says the Lord.

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