
Hope in Me, says the Lord. I Am a living hope. You are not hopeless or helpless, because I stand alongside to help you at all times. It is not over! You have not come to a dead end or run out of viable resources. For I have an endless supply, and I will make a way for you where there is no way. I will create a door that did not even exist before, for I Am unlimited, says the Lord.

Use your imagination for good things, says the Lord. Forfeit the gloomy, negative mindset and start thinking good thoughts. Speak life. Don’t give ear to the naysayers who never have anything good to say about anything. The fearful and unbelieving are not your friends. Mingle with those who believe in miracles and talk about My power and goodness and mercy that endures forever and start speaking that instead of fear and doubt. I have given you an everlasting hope as your portion, and you have been given abundant life and bountiful resources in Me, says the Lord.

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