My Word is a Seed

My Word is a seed, says the Lord. I give seed to the sower, and bread for your food. You can trust that My Word is the bread of life, for I Am the living Word. My seed is in you, and you are My offspring! What I do for you is life giving, always. My Spirit is alive in you! It is a well-spring. What I do in the realm of the Spirit is superior to the natural, for it is by My Spirit that all things are done. As you have life in My Spirit, bread of life in My Spirit and My eternal word, will I not give you what you need in for your earthly sojourn? For what is eternal also contains that which is for time, and as you seek My kingdom and My righteousness that remains forever, what you need for your daily life will be supplied, says the Lord.

The seed of My Word must be planted, says the Lord. As you hear My Word, then plant it as a seed. The more you plant, the greater your faith will be, and the harvest will come. For faith in Me is faith in My Word. I have give you the seed of faith to plant. According to what you do with My Word of faith, will be the result of the harvest of your faith in My eternal Word, that is unfailing. For there will always be a harvest, and the bounty is up to you according to what you sow, says the Lord.

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