You Will Bear Righteous Fruit

What I have planted, will not be up-rooted, says the Lord. I have planted you in My kingdom that is without end. You are a tree of righteousness, that will bear fruit of righteousness. For as you have received Me as your Savior and Lord, by trusting in My finished work on the cross and shed blood for you, I gave you that which is eternal. You have eternal life. My righteousness is eternal. It is not what you can do, but what I have accomplished in you, and for you, and through you. For your righteousness and holiness is from Me, alone, says the Lord.

I always see the end from the beginning, says the Lord. I Am the author and finisher of your faith. I Am your beginning and your end. To Me, it is all the same. For I could see the finished Work. I could see the crown of life that you would receive at My appearing. I could see every step of the way, and I knew the way that you would take. I have begun a good work in you, and I will complete it. I cross every T, and dot every I. I never miss any punctuation mark! For nothing escapes my attention, and your life is hid in Me. I will complete and perfect that which concerns you, for I see you as a finished work of My grace, and I never begin what I will not finish, and you will not be unfinished or unfurnished. You can be assured that your life has purpose, and you are not a miss-fit in My kingdom that is without end, says the Lord.

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