Don’t Be Offended

Don’t be offended by anything or anyone, says the Lord. For it is only distracting and disturbing to you. I have your back. I will go before you. I will provide for you. Do not worry about what others say or think of you. I Am the One that counts, not their opinions. What I say is what is important to you, and all you need is My approval. I will honor you, as you honor Me. I will not condemn you or ridicule you or assault you. I will validate you, and you need no other. Look to Me, for I Am intensely looking at you, and assuring you that I Am with you, always, says the Lord.

I Am the One who justifies you, and you are holy, for I have made you so. You have My righteousness. You have My presence. I will not malign you or accuse you or condemn you. That is the enemy that is doing that. Do not accept his opinions, and do not side against yourself with his lies. For he is cunning, and will make you think it is humility. It is not. It does not honor Me for you to feel guilty and condemned, when I have cleansed you from all unrighteousness, by My blood that was shed for you, and My finished work on the cross. Tell him to shut up, and dwell on who you have become in Me. For I have made you a new creation in Me that is righteous and holiness unto Me, simply by your faith in Me. I will not offend you, and although offenses will come, do not let them defeat you, and do not pay attention to them. Think good thoughts and dwell on those things, and meditate upon Me, and My infallible Word. You will be lifted, as you do, and nothing will bring you down or defeat you, says the Lord.

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