I Am love, and My love for you is patient and kind. It is enduring, and consistent, says the LORD. I Am very merciful and gracious onto you, and My compassions for you are new every day. You will know Me as faithful and true. I know the things that vex you and cause you stress and concern. Those things that stretch you and trouble you are not authored by me. The enemy has endeavored to distract you, disturb you and destroy your confidence and peace, but I Am the one Who gives you consolation and reassurance, says the LORD.
I know your weaknesses and your areas of vulnerability, says the LORD. I will be with you in troubles that are on every side and strengthen you and uphold you with My own right hand. I Am your counselor, not just an adviser, and I will give you the wisdom, counsel and understanding that you need. Just ask of Me, and believe, and receive, for I Am much more than just a support system. I will LEAD YOU, DIRECT YOU, and walk with you, right out of the situations that are causing you distress. For I Am your strength, and with Me on your side, you will overcome, and as you rise above the challenges you face with the help that I give you, and you will have good success in ME, says the LORD.