I am the first and the last, and everything between, says the Lord. There is NO OTHER GOD. There is NO Other that can do what I do. I knew you when you were yet in the womb of your mother, and I know every detail of your life. I know the way that you take. I know the future, and I have ordained everything about your life and destiny from the moment that you were born to the end of your earthly sojourn, says the LORD.

There is NOTHING that Was, is or will be that can escape My knowledge, and nothing takes Me by surprise, says the LORD. NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING is out of My sight, and NOTHING is beyond My infinite understanding. There is NOTHING that I cannot do, NOTHING that I will not complete and perfect and NOTHING that I will not finish that I have begun. You and what pertains to you is no exception, and I will complete what I have begun in you to the perfection of My holy will, and you will not be an unfinished work, as I fully and completely accomplish in you what I have ordained for your life, and every purpose for you under the sun will be fulfilled, says the LORD.

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