Come near to Me, says the LORD.  You do not have to fear to approach me, for I Am not only welcoming you in My presence, but that is where you belong. I want intimacy with you. I desire fellowship with you.  I have good things to share with you as you commune with Me. I will show you things that you never knew and give you the wisdom and counsel and understanding that you will never obtain by yourself or others.  DISCOVERY awaits you.  Joy that is excessive will be found. You will have PLEASURE as you come closer, and you will be carefree, as I lavish My love on you and release you from the heavy burdens that you have been carrying, says the LORD.

To fear Me is not to avoid Me, says the LORD. To tremble at My Word does not mean to shut your ears. OPEN THEM, for My fear is not tormenting and My Word is not destroying.  I am approachable and you are to come boldly into My presence where you will find HELP and grace and Mercy and My compassionate acceptance and love.  Reverent fear of Me and My Word will only bring you to a place of honor, for as you respect Me and give Me the glory that is due My Holy Name and hear and obey My Word, it will Work wonderfully and effectively for you.  My Word is Life. It is healing and delivering. It is empowering and cleansing. It is providing, penetrating, sanctifying.   My powerful Word and powerful presence will change your life, and free you from the empty and futile words of man that cannot heal, repair, revive or restore. My Word and Work in you will accomplish what I say, and as you come to ME, you will be enriched by the richness of MY glory, as I clothe you with MY GLORY and GRACE, says the LORD.

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