Prophetic Light
Comforting, Encouraging, Edifying Through God's Voice.
main features
Endure hardness as a good soldier in Me, says the Lord. For I Am stretching you, to expand you, not to break you. I will strengthen you,
I Will Prepare the Way
Your times and seasons are in My hands, says the Lord. I cannot be rushed. I Am preparing you and planning way ahead of you, for I
I Will Furnish and Perfect You
You will accomplish what I have called you to do, says the Lord. For why would I call you and choose you, for you to remain idle
2024 A Time for War
2024 [and beyond] Time For War Sound the Alarm! Wake up My slumbering church! This is not a gentle nudge, but shaking, to wake up. Call it a rude awakening, says the Lord. Shout, loud and clear. Yes, let your voice be like a trumpet, and sound a warning for My people. It is not
Prophecy for the Year 2023
2023 and Beyond Prophecy God’s Time and Your Personal Calendar As I was in prayer, the Lord spoke to me and indicated that this New Year, 2023, will not bring in the expected change and new beginning that many worldwide are anticipating and hoping for. Although it has been celebrated with fireworks and music and
Daily devotions
Thank you, Lord, that because you have given me the new birth when I received you as my personal Savior and Lord, I have your Spirit in me that enables me to overcome. You give me the ultimate victory in every circumstance in life, and I will not lose the battle or the war, because
Triumph in Your Work
Lord, we thank you for your mighty works among us. Your thoughts toward us are very deep and excellent. You have designed us and made us your own, and we are blessed to be your children. We look to you as our everlasting heavenly Father that never forgets us. You lavish us with your love
Compassion and Mercy
Thank you, Lord, that you are full of compassion for us. It never runs out. You are gracious, patient, have have never ending mercy and truth. We are depending upon your faithfulness as we engage in our daily activities today. Our difficulties are not hard for you, and we turn them over to you, knowing
Prophet June Sheltrown
To host/schedule meetings with Prophet June Sheltrown in the United States, please contact her by email at [email protected]
Power and Glory Revival
LIBERTY FELLOWSHIP, 5473 FM 2138, (Maydelle Hwy.) Jacksonville, Texas will host Dr. June Sheltrown on January 7, 8, and 9th. She is a powerful speaker
Moved to Tears!
I am moved to tears with this written report from Pastor Wycliffe, my coordinator and team member of the Mission in Kenya that was called,