Beauty for Ashes - Prophetic Light Sermon

1 thought on “Beauty for Ashes”

  1. Pastor June first and foremost, I want to say thanks, and God bless you for taking time out of your important schedule to bless me with the gifts that our precious Lord have graciously bestowed upon you. Daniel the Lord says unto you that,kings,prime ministers,and magistrates will prostrate themselves before you. Beckoning,and begging you to interpret their dreams.The Lord says I call you Daniel,because I have given you a double portion of the same spirt that my servant Daniel walked in.Just as John the Baptist operated in the Spirit of Elijah so shall you walk in a double portion of Daniels spirit.Once again I want to say thank you,and keep doing what you are doing,because the Lord is currently smiling on you.The also says he is indeed priming,and pruning you, because you will be a major tool of his in these last days.       

    God bless you,and may you prosper as your soul prospers in the Lord

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