Growing, Changing, Progressing

Even as you cannot see a child’s growth when you look at him each new day, you cannot see that you are growing and changing, says the Lord. You cannot recognize the changes that have taken place and the advancements that you have made, until you look back and see the progress. Trust that you are not on a treadmill now, your growth is not stunted, and you are not a failure to thrive. You are growing and changing, advancing, and making progress by the steps that you take that are leading you to your destiny purpose in Me. I Am nurturing you, keeping you, and equipping you. Stagnation, starvation, and restriction is not My description of you, says the Lord.

You are not in prison, refined to quarters, or stuck, says the Lord. Do not try to force things to happen. Let Me do the leading, and set the pace. I will open doors for you, and align you with the right people that will be assigned to you as you fulfill your destiny purpose in Me. It is My doing, and you cannot force doors to open. I will lead you and guide you continually, and set things in order for you. You will be prepared for every good work that I assign and commission you to do, and I will go before you and prepare the way. I will prepare the people, places, and things, for nothing is outside of My authority and control. My purposes shall unfold, and you will grow into your destiny, without failure, as I mature you, says the Lord.

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