Kenya and Uganda Mission in January and February - Prophetic Light

Kenya and Uganda Mission in January and February

Imparting the HOLY SPIRIT, the Fire, Healing and Deliverance in Kenya in the June 2017 meeting.  The Lord is sending Me back to Kenya and also Uganda.   On the 16th of September, I heard the audible voice of the Lord say:

“You will go back to Kenya. I will pour out My Spirit in Kenya.  I will open the windows of heaven and I will bless you and I will pour out My Holy Spirit in Kenya and I will use you in Kenya.  I will pour out My Spirit and My fire.  You will impart My Holy Spirit and My fire.  You will live in My glory and I will give you everything you need.  You will impart My Holy Laughter.  You will impart My miracles.  You will impart My glory.  You will impart My healing and deliverance.  You will impart signs and wonders.  I will empower you and I will use you for My glory.

Another time he spoke in the audible voice:  You will know My will. You will understand my purposes. My will shall be done in your life and yo will be My prophet, My voice in the earth.  I will give you My Holy Spirit and My fire and you will impart My Holy Spirit and My fire.  You will impart My deliverance. You will impart My holy miracles.  You will impart My righteousness and you will impart My glory.  You will impart My healing power.  I will pour out My Spirit in Uganda. I will pour out My Spirit in Kenya.  I will pour out My Spirit in Africa. I will go before you and prepare a place for you.  I am sending you. I am sending you. I will command you to go to Mombasa. I will open doors for you in Kenya, in Uganda, in Africa.  I will save many souls through you.  I will use you.

September 4th He spoke (audibly):  I will send you. I will send you to Uganda.  I will open doors for you in Uganda.

HE told me that I would impart his HOLY SPIRIT, Fire, healing, deliverance, His glory, His laughter, His glory, His miracles, signs and wonders  in Uganda.  …”My Holy Spirit will be poured out in all the places that I send you.”

I am going to be in Kenya and Uganda in Mid-Januuary through February 22, and we are making the schedule now.

If you want to host us, we are open for venues in Kenya in:  Eldoret, Nawasha, Vihiga, Kakamega and Mois Bridge.

Message me at [email protected]

We are not able to pay for the meetings, as I have much travel expenses.  Send me an email with your location and what you are proposing to do regarding hosting us.

I only have three months left to raise funds for this mission. Please partner with me.  GOD WILL give you a reward for every seed you plant into this mission.  He will not return your seed, but you will have a harvest!  You will share in the harvest of souls I will reach in Africa as you give to this mission and you will have an eternal reward.

To partner with Me in this mighty work for the expansion of the KINGDOM OF GOD in Africa, please send your gifts to:

Prophet June Reinke,

Prophetic Light international,

40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida. 33525


or use the donation button on the website of that will take you directly to paypal.  May GOD richly bless you as you give and support this mission in Africa for the Kingdom of GOD.

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