Mission Trip to Kenya - Prophetic Light News

Mission Trip to Kenya

God is sending me back to Kenya.  I will be there five weeks this time, and even that is not enough time for all the places that desire to host me.  The doors are wide open, and the people there are waiting, praying and preparing for my return.

It costs thousands of dollars to be in a mission like this, and the time is running out.  Why does it cost so much?  The airline ticket is minor compared to the food, travel and lodging there.  We stay at the least expensive places and eat little. It is NOT a vacation but a mission.

I need partners for Africa:  those who will catch the vision, those who will faithfully support financially and prayerfully.

As long as the earth remains, there is seedtime and harvest. This is the time for seed to be planted. The harvest is coming!   Seeds do not produce seeds. They produce plants that bear fruit in time.

God will be faithful to bless you as you partner with me and GIVE.  For when you plant much seed, you receive a greater harvest. Little seed produces little. Plant according to your ability and faith.  I do need support for the ministry of Prophetic Light that is reaching the nations for the Kingdom of God.

This is what I heard yesterday,   in the Audible VOICE of the LORD: 

“You will be My prophet. You will hear My voice in your ear.  I will give you My voice in your ear.  Hear Me now!  I will give you My Holy Spirit and My holy fire. You will know My will.  You will open your heart and you will live in My glory.  I will open My windows in heaven and I will pour out My Spirit.  I will give you everything you need.

I will use you for My glory.  You will impart My Holy Spirit.  You will impart My holy fire.  I will use you.  You will impart.  I will pour out My Spirit in every place I send you.  I will use you for My glory and My glory shall be upon you.  My glory, you will impart. You will impart My glory.  I will use you and I will give you My holy laughter.  You will impart My holy laughter.  I will hold you in My arms.  I will give you My Holy Spirit and My Holy wisdom and My Holy will.  My Holy will shall be done in You and your ministry.

My will shall be done, and miracles.  I will give you miracles and signs and wonders, and signs and wonders will live with you.  I will give you everything you need and I will hold you in My arms, and I will carry you by My Spirit, and I will fly with you.

You will go to Kenya.  You will go to Uganda.  You will go to Africa.  You will go to the nations.  I will send you to the nations. I will go with you.  You will go.  I will send you to Uganda.  I will send you back to Africa.  I WILL SEND YOU!

You will impart My miracles.  You will impart My healing power, healing fire.  You will impart My deliverance.  You will impart My holy will.  I will use you for My glory.  I will command My blessings, and I will give you My blessings. You will live in My Spirit.  I will anoint you with My Holy Spirit and My fire.  You will know My will and you will hear My voice in your ear, and I will lead you and I will direct you by My voice in your ear. You will KNOW My will and you will know My miracles.

I will give you My healing power, and I will give you My Holy anointing and Miracles.  I will pour out My Spirit and My Holy fire, and miracles, and My Holy Spirit will use you.  I will open doors for you and I will light up your path in me.  I will send you to the nations. I will send you to Africa. I will send you, and I will use you.  I will pour out My Holy Spirit and My fire, and you will impart My Holy SPIRIT.”

To support the ministry of Prophetic Light International as we reach the nations for the kingdom of GOD and I go to Africa, please send your support to:


Prophet June Reinke

Prophetic Light International

40403 Sunburst Drive

Dade City, Florida 33525


Or use the donation button on this website: propheticlight.org that will take you directly to paypal.

Thank you and may God bless you as you give.  Prophet June Shetrown Reinke, for the nations.




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