Attend to My Word, says the LORD. Pay attention to My written WORD, My SPOKEN WORD, My still small voice in you! For I have spoken. I Am speaking, and I WILL YET SPEAK! Attend unto ALL MY WORD, for it is life and light in you. My Word is a healing and delivering WORD, as it penetrates and radiates in you! I sent it for you to be filled with LIFE and POWER, for MY WORD is POWERFUL and LIFE GIVING, always, says the LORD.

When you listen to My WORD and keep it with all your heart, it will BECOME YOU! Healing will become your portion and you will have health in ALL YOUR FLESH! For My WORD is unsurpassed, penetrating, life giving, creating, delivering, and providing. All that I said, I will do, if you will keep your focus on MY WORD, and not the things that are opposing what I have said. For what I say, I do, and as you believe, you will not only receive, but BECOME that which is MY WORK and MY WORD, says the LORD.

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