Where There is No Vision, the People Perish - Prophetic Light News

Where There is No Vision, the People Perish

Vision needs to take feet. Having the call of GOD without corresponding action is like having faith without works, which is dead. Many are called but few are chosen, perhaps because they did not do what they were called to do. It is easier to stay in our comfort zones than to go where He wants us to go and do what He wants us to do.

I memorized a saying that My brother-in-law taught me many years ago: “Some are called; some are sent; some just packed their bags and went.” Some go because of the call of GOD. Some are called of men, and some just go because they want to.

I would never have gone to Africa, without a SURE mandate from the LORD. Far it be of me to return if I am not absolutely certain, for it is not easy to do. Obedience is better than sacrifice. It is important to hear and obey.

Recently a person told me that if I go back to Africa, it will not be safe for me. But a very respected prophetic Friend of mine called me and told me that I will not be safe in America, if GOD is sending me to Africa. How right she is! The place of safety and well-being is in the center of the will of GOD.

Shortly I will return to Africa, not because it is fun or a vacation, but because GOD IS SENDING ME. I KNOW THAT I MUST BE ABOUT My father’s business.

I reached hundreds of people in Africa who were saved, filled with the Holy Spirit, healed, delivered and their lives changed forever.

I am asking for partners who will invest in my ministry to Africa, in this very rich harvest field. I want the willing to stand with me and help me to go, not those who feel compelled to do so. For I have the conviction that since GOD has called and chosen Me to go, for such a time as this, He will supply all My need. God uses people. If you are not inclined to support this work, then I am not speaking to you. Let me address those who have a heart for this mission, who want to share in the harvest of souls I am able to reach for the KINGDOM OF GOD and His glory.

I cannot do this alone, but together with partners who want to have a share in the harvest of souls, we can. If you are one of these, then know that everything you invest in our ministry will be USED FOR THAT PURPOSE only. I take NOTHING for myself and am very careful how I use the money. I stay at the most inexpensive places that I know most would NEVER stay. This is not a pleasure trip, but a place of labor.

If you are led to support this Work, you may do so by using the donation button on the website: propheticlight.org, which will take you directly to paypal.  If you use the friends and family option, paypal will not take out a fee, and all your donation will go to the ministry.  If you prefer, you can send your donations to:

Prophetic Light International
40403 Sunburst Drive
Dade City, Fl 33525

The time is at hand now. May GOD bless you for your support, by giving you the increase as well as a portion of the harvest in everyone I am able to reach.

I want to thank each of you who have supported the missions to Africa, and those who will support now. May GOD richly bless you and be your exceeding, great reward!

Prophet June Reinke

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