"You Will Go Back to Africa" - Prophetic Light News

I completed the mission in Kenya, where GOD poured out His Holy SPIRIT and His fire. I have done crusades, gone to very many churches and venues, huge schools and preached and imparted to HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of people who were saved, delivered, filled with the HOLY SPIRIT, and fire!  I GIVE ALL THE GLORY TO GOD!

He is sending me back to Africa on Missions.  Time is short, the harvest is great and the laborers are few. I must work the work that He has sent me to do, for the night will come (soon) when no man can work.  There was a man sent by GOD whose name was John (the Baptist).  He would be the forerunner of Christ.  There is a woman sent by God, whose name is June, and I must be about MY FATHER’S BUSINESS.  The Lord said, WHO WILL GO FOR US?  Isaiah replied, “Send ME.”  I have answered the call. I WILL GO, and HE IS SENDING ME!

How can they HEAR, without a preacher, and How can they go if they are not sent?   I cannot do this alone and need partners who will support this great Work!

The gospel is the GOOD NEWS of the Kingdom of GOD, that brings His GREAT Salvation,  the POWER of the HOLY SPIRIT and infilling of the HOLY SPIRIT and the baptism of fire in the HOLY SPIRIT, Healing and deliverance.  The true gospel of JESUS CHRIST is in POWER!   SIGNS must follow the WORD.  Miracles and healing MUST accompany the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST, and the Word MUST BE IN POWER and DEMONSTRATION.  God is pouring out signs and wonders, miracles and healing, deliverance and HIS HOLY SPIRIT and FIRE in AFRICA!

Lives have been changed forever, as they have been saved, filled with the Holy SPIRIT, divinely healed and delivered. GOD poured out His Holy SPIRIT and fire in every venue that I was in.  The testimonies are still coming in.  Prophetic WORDS have already been fulfilled. I prophesied that a woman who could NOT conceive, would become pregnant and have a child.  She is NOW expecting a baby!  This is a miracle conception!

Those with chest pain and heart problems were instantly healed. Tumors melted. Legs, arms, shoulders, backs, knees, were instantly healed. Sight, hearing and speech were restored. Glory dust rained down on people and many were slain in the SPIRIT and empowered in every venue. All glory goes to the Lord for I am only a vessel that He uses for His glory.

He is sending Me back to this great harvest field to minister.  They are waiting!  They are ready!  The fields are RIPE for harvest, NOW.  I cannot wait, but I MUST GO!  He is sending me SOON!

God has repeatedly spoken to Me in the Audible voice and told Me that He is sending me back to Africa.  This is just a small part of what He has spoken to Me that I have written it down:

(2-21-19): I will order your steps in Me.  I will command. You will obey.  You will hear My voice in your ear. I will pour out My Holy Spirit and My fire,  and I will send you to Africa.  You will know My will. I will command, and you will go to Africa.  I will open My windows in heaven and I will pour out My Holy Spirit; I will pour out miracles; I will pour out My Holy Fire.  I will pour out healing; I will pour out deliverance; I will pour out My grace and glory.  You will impart My Holy Spirit and My fire.  I will send you. I will carry you. I will fly with you.  You will go back to Africa.

(2-25-19:  I will hold you in My arms and I will carry you to Africa.  I will send you. I will send you.  You will go. You will obey My voice in your ear…..

(3-1-2019):  …..you will go back to Africa.  I will be with you.  You will impart My Holy Spirit; you will impart My fire; you will impart healing and deliverance; you will impart My glory.    …I will give you everything you need. I will open doors for you.  You will hear My voice in your ear. This is My righteousness.  I will send you. You will go back. I will use you for My glory….

(3-5-19)  …..I will pour out My Spirit in every place that I send you. …  you will go back to Africa, go back.  I will pour out signs and wonders. I will pour out Miracles. …..

(3-6-19)…. No man will harm you.  You will go back….

I cannot do this alone, and your partnership with Me to return to Africa is vital, and you will have a portion of the harvest of all I am able to reach for His Kingdom and glory.

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Prophet June Reinke

Prophetic Light International, 40403 Sunburst Drive, Dade City, Florida 33525.

Thank you, again, and May GOD richly bless you.










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