Bold and Brave - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Bold and Brave

    Be bold and brave, says the LORD.  I have not created you to be timid and backwards.  I have given you a roar that is greater than the roar of the enemy, for I Am the Lion of Judah that lives within you.  I have given you the sword of My Spirit that is greater than any weapon formed against you!  I have empowered you with My Spirit, and there is none Higher than I Am, says the Lord.

     It is by MY SPIRIT in you, that you are able to stand, fight and war a good warfare, says the LORD.  Walls will come tumbling down.  The giants will fall at your feet.  Demons will tremble at the sound of your voice and you will tread upon them rather than them tromping all over you.  You live and move and have your being in ME, and the enemy dares not to touch against MY ANOINTED.  He cannot defeat you, for I Am the Greater ONE in the midst of you, and have anointed you to enforce My kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, by My Spirit that is in you, by My great name that I have given you to use, and MY presence and power that I have filled with, so that you will rise up and conquer the land and possess your inheritance in Me, says the LORD.

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