Fresh Bread of My Presence

Just as I gave the children of Israel fresh, daily manna in the wilderness, I have the fresh bread of My presence for you to eat on My table, says the LORD. Come and be refreshed by what is now prepared for you. You do not have to survive on moldy, crusty, stale bread or live on your past blessings. I have NEW THINGS FOR YOU TO FEAST UPON. I make all things new, and it is not boring, mundane, and ordinary, says the LORD.

What you lack, I will supply, says the LORD. I will not withhold any good thing from you as you entrust your life to Me. What you consider good and wholesome may be junk food, compared to what I have for you. Trust in My superior provisions and do not demand to have the things that will impede your growth and maturity in ME. I will give you all things that will be a blessing, not a burden, and will build you up and not tear you down. I will not give you a quick fix but have remedies that will be lasting and beneficial and endure. Have an appetite for the fresh things I have for you, and do not settle for what is left over from your past, but fully embrace the new, says the LORD.

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