Good Things Come From Me

 iwllI will give you everything that you will believe Me for, says the LORD. For I will never withhold anything good from you. I daily load you with benefits. What I give to you is perfect and will never bring you pain nor problems. GOOD THINGS will not harm you, ever. My blessings will never have any elements of sorrow in them. PERFECT is PERFECT, and nothing that I offer you will have any defects in it. All good gifts come from Me, and the things that are NOT good, came from the enemy, says the LORD.

I love to lavish My children with GOOD things, and I will pour out My blessings upon you, and you WILL BE BLESSED! I will make you fat and full as I oversupply you. Trust that I have an endless supply, and there is nothing that I will not give you and do for you as you put your faith and trust in Me. You will know My goodness and mercy in the Land of the living, and I will give you more than you could ever ask or think, as you make Me your trust at all times, says the LORD.

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