I Am Your Forever Friend - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am Your Forever Friend

I Am your forever friend, say the LORD. Nothing can separate you from My love. Absolutely nothing! You will not be banished from My presence, for I have invited you to come and have fellowship with Me. Your place at My table will not be occupied by another. The table is spread, and you belong with Me. I have given you authority and position in Me that is that of a king, for you will reign and rule over the adversary. Demons will flee from you as you submit yourself to Me and resist them. You have nothing to fear, for you have everything that you need to do all that I have commissioned you to do, and you will do all things well in Me. You will be on earth as I Am in heaven, as you represent My kingdom on earth. You will not have a weak voice or be emaciated and vulnerable, but strong and powerful in ME, by My Spirit, says the LORD.

I have under gird you with Myself and covered you and shielded you with My own holy hand, says the LORD. I Am on your side, and there is nothing that can overwhelm you. Be at peace with yourself, your circumstances and see that nothing can impede your progress in Me. I Am your faithful friend that cannot be overpowered. I have your best interest at heart always, and you will not be denied any good thing. I Am GOOD for it, for what you need, I will supply, for I have it, will grant it, and give you much more than you could ever ask or think or imagine. I Am El Shaddai, MORE than enough, and you will be blessed to become a blessing as I oversupply you so that you will be fully able to succor others in their times of trouble and be a faithful friend and comforter of others as I have friended and comforted you, says the LORD.

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