I Have Given You a Lion’s Heart

Don’t look at yourself in the weakness of your flesh, says the LORD. Though others see you as a mere weak human, do not visualize yourself as vulnerable, inept and powerless. They look on your outward appearance, but I look on the heart. I have given you a lion’s heart, and you will devour the prey as I make you a sharp instrument in My hands that has teeth. You are not to cower, for your strength is not in the realm of the flesh that is weak but the SPIRIT that is strong in Me and the power of MY MIGHT, says the LORD.

You need not use earthly weapons to overwhelm the things of the earth, but use MY SPIRITUAL forces and weapons to overcome them, says the LORD. For everything in the natural is subject to the SUPERNATURAL power of My SPIRIT, My POWER and My Righteousness. Darkness cannot defeat you. Evil cannot conquer you. You will not be destroyed, but you will fully prevail against the host of the enemy as you put on My armor, use My sword and overcome evil with good. GOOD is MY WORD. GOOD is My Work. GOOD is MY KINGDOM and MY POWER and MY GLORY. GOOD is My PURPOSE and MY PLANS and MY HOLY WILL, that shall be done among those who will use My gifts, My power, My spiritual weapons to enforce My kingdom on earth as it is in heaven., says the LORD.

My chosen ones will do so by MY SPIRIT in them, and their weakness will become a sign that it is only by MY SPIRIT that they are POWERFUL conquerors, undefeated champions, and not able to be destroyed, defeated or silenced., says the LORD. I will use them, because they trust in ME and look beyond themselves and their own ability and strength, and see that MY STRENGTH Is made perfect and complete in their weakness, and they will be MY chosen vessels that will show forth My glory in the land of the living, and expand My kingdom on earth as it is in heaven, says the LORD.

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