I Have Good Thoughts and Plans for You. - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Have Good Thoughts and Plans for You.

I only have good thoughts and plans for you, says the LORD. Think on good things yourself, for you need not be filled with negative thoughts and feelings, fears and doubts and unbelief. Your future is in My hands that created you for purposes that are GOOD, productive and fulfilling. Nothing that I have in mind for you will be less than good, so FEAR NOT! It is the enemy that is trying to discourage you and fill you with feelings of dissatisfaction. It is his assignment to cause you to be faint hearted so that you will not move forward, but to remain paralyzed with fear. It is not the changing of your mind, but your receiving of My mind, My higher thoughts, and dwelling on the thoughts and intent of MY HEART that will lift you out of depression and feelings of uselessness and defeat. They are not to dictate your life, for I have given you better things and promises that are precious and priceless, and I will perform MY GOOD WORK in you, just as I have declared, says the LORD.

Look forward for good things to happen, says the LORD. Dwell on My Word, and trust in MY supreme work in your life, as I open new doors for you and bring you into new heights of My glory. I will bestow greater grace upon you for your greater assignments and equip you with everything that you need to fulfill the higher kingdom purposes that I will show you. It is NOT OVER, for I have need of you, and you will not be a castaway, as you retain faith and confidence in ME, WHO has begun a GOOD WORK IN YOU, called you a GOOD and profitable servant, made you My own child, and you will be fruitful and productive in the land of the living. Every good work will be accomplished for My kingdom and glory and purposes that I have prescribed for your life while you were yet in the womb of your mother, says the LORD.

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