I Will Carry You Into New Heights of My Glory - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Will Carry You Into New Heights of My Glory

I will carry you as on eagle’s wings and you will sour into new heights of My glory, says the LORD. It will be exhilarating and glorious. You can soar effortlessly in the realm of My Spirit, as you fly with Me. You will only ascend higher and higher, and the things of the earth will become lower and lower, and further away. The mountains will look like little hills. The valleys will not be a burden to you. The way will be clear and your vision will be wider. You will not be fearful of the things that once looked so big and vast as you see them as I see them, says the LORD.

Nothing is big to Me, says the LORD. Nothing is difficult for Me at all! Your perspective can change as you come up higher and the walls will no longer keep you back, the roads will have no obstruction, the way will look so simple, and nothing will be blocking your view. I will give you NEW VISION that will be vast, and you will see what I want you to see, rather than focusing on all those things that are VERY EASY and LITTLE to ME. I can and will bring you through every valley, and the mountains will not hinder you. The walls will not stand in your way. The road blocks are like sticks to plow through. The oceans are like puddles you can step over. TRUST in Me as you ascend above it all where I will show you that there is NO obstacles in the way, for I AM THE WAY, the TRUTH and the LIFE, and there is NOTHING that can hinder or detain Me, and I Am WITH you to give you everything that you need to fulfill your destiny purpose in ME, says the LORD.

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