My Word Is Life In You

Come as a little child into My presence, says the LORD. For children depend upon their parents for all their daily needs and trust them with their care. This is what I want you to do. Have faith in Me! Let it be simplistic and dependent as you trust Me to be to provide your daily bread in the realm of the natural and the supernatural. For I AM SPIRITUAL bread of life to you; and I Am your daily bread. I will feed you in the natural and the spiritual every day. For My Word will become a tangible substance in YOU as it is SPIRIT and LIFE! You will know that My LIFE that is in you is a material, tangible substance, says the LORD.

My WORD is life in you, says the Lord. It is a material and living substance that will bring you healing and wholeness in the natural and spiritual. For did not I say that I sent My Word and healed you and delivered you from all your destruction? My word in you will heal your body, soul and spirit. My Word is penetrating, radiating, saturating and it is LIFE in you. Let My Word bring you deliverance and healing, as it becomes flesh in YOU, and then you will behold My glory, as of the ONLY BEGOTTEN of the Father, full of grace and truth. I live in you, and abide in You as full grace and truth, as a tangible, material, living substance. For I am the living Word, the Living bread of Life, and I Am the LORD that HEALS you, says the LORD.

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