Never Alone! - Prophetic Light Prophecies

The times that you are all alone are not times that are wasted, says the Lord. These are the times I will download into you My thoughts and teach you NEW things that will benefit you in the new season ahead. You are not by yourself, for I Am with you always. Your friendship and fellowship with Me is of primary importance, and as you spend these times with Me, you will not be lonely. I will fill the longing of your heart and be MORE THAN ENOUGH for you, as I wrap you in My arms and comfort you and soothe you and sing you to sleep, says the LORD.

You will have dreams and visions in the night that will be from Me, as you rest, confidently in My presence, protection and continual watch, says the LORD. Reject the night terrors and do not entertain the negative input of the enemy. You do not need to interpret the lies of the evil one, but I will show you the light of My glory and give you the grace that you need. You will know the difference between that which is evil and that which is born of ME. Just enjoy the downloads from me. Be assured that Your place of safety is EVERYWHERE you are and everywhere you go, for I Am the one Who is your Keeper that does not slumber nor sleep, so that you can. You are safe in My arms that hold you always and you will not ever be alone, for I AM with you ALWAYS, says the LORD.

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