Obey My Voice - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Obey My Voice

oiceNo one know you like I do, says the LORD. So why would you be concerned about their opinions? You are not called to please man but to please Me, the ONE who created you, purposed for you, and has your very life in My hands. I have numbered your hairs on your head. Can you do that? Can anyone know the number of cells in your body or order them to function? I know every detail about you, and hold you in the palm of MY hands. I Am that place of safety for you and you will never be separated from ME and My love for you, says the LORD.

Aim to please Me, the ONE who knows you best, says the LORD. Obey My voice, for it is not the opinions of others or even your own opinion that counts. What I say is final, and when I speak, no one will dare to rise up against ME. No one can order your destiny and no one can number your days. Labor for those things that cannot be taken away from you, as you invest in MY Kingdom that is without end. Make ME your choice, and serve Me. For your reward is certain as you abandon yourself to Me and make Me your highest heart’s desire and persistent, ardent pursuit, says the LORD.

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