Promotion Comes From ME - Prophetic Light Prophecies

    Promotion comes from Me, says the LORD. As you walk humbly before Me and esteem Me as the HIGHEST, and surrender yourself completely to Me, I will link your name with My name, and honor you as you have honored Me, says the LORD. Everything that you do in the shadows will come to light. Your good works that have been unnoticed and ignored by others will be openly rewarded. I will elevate you and you will not be bypassed by ME. I will give you My favor and grace and elevate you as I seat you in heavenly places with Me. You will not be the last, but I will turn things around for you and you will be the first. Though many were repelled from you, they will be drawn to you as I bring you into a place of authority. You will be My vessel of honor, because you have obeyed My voice and followed My commands, says the LORD.

Though you have been tried in the fire, you will not be destroyed, says the LORD. You will come forth out of the furnace of affliction, as pure gold. Your faith in Me and My Word has come up before Me as a sweet aroma and will produce miraculous results. You will see the evidence of those things that you have believed Me for and waited patiently for Me to perform. You will not be disappointed, as you have waited upon Me and made Me your trust. I will give you the increase, and you will not be empty, but full, as you have been found faithful, says the LORD.

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