I will restore, revive, renew, says the LORD. I will restore your soul! You have longed for peace of mind and heart. It has come and gone, come and gone, come and gone. But I will restore comforts to you and renew your mind, and you will KNOW MY PEACE that surpasses all understanding. I will keep you in PERFECT peace as you relinquish the thoughts of what was, and focus on what is and will be, says the LORD.
I will breathe now Life in you and revive you, says the LORD. You will not be weary and weak, but strong, energetic and full of the fire of MY SPIRIT. I will ignite and excite you and you will live and flourish again, says the LORD.
I will renew you, says the LORD. You will have renewed strength in your spirit, mind and body. You will be empowered to do the new things that are before you. I will renew your vision and renew your hopes and dreams. You will rejoice again as your joy will be renewed, and you will have renewed courage and live again. For I will restore, revive and renew YOU, because you have waited upon Me, says the LORD.