Seek My Counsel and Direction to Fulfill Your Destiny Purpose - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Seek My Counsel and Direction to Fulfill Your Destiny Purpose

Don’t accept a temporary fix for the things that are troubling you, exhausting you, and challenging you, says the Lord. It will only bring short time relief, but long-term pain. Seasonal pleasures will be fleeting, and the emptiness will become even more evident than ever before. Do not try to bury your pain in things that will not satisfy you. Band-aid relationships will only create soul ties that will be heart breaking and difficult to break, when you discover that they did not benefit you but add to the burden you were already carrying. Relinquish your self-help strategies that will not work, and forfeit the temptation of going in the direction that you think is right, rather than seeking My counsel and direction, says the LORD.

Rushing ahead of the times I have set forth for you will not bring you into your destiny faster than I have planned, says the LORD. You will only become frustrated in your failed plans as you insist in pushing through rather than waiting and trusting in Me for your breakthrough. I will NOT withhold anything good from you, and you will reap the benefits of truly trusting in Me in DUE SEASON. Your help comes from ME, and as you look onto Me to fulfill you, furnish you, lead and guide you, and order your steps and illuminate your path, you will enter into a rest that will be be peaceful as you confidently entrust everything to ME and are completely convinced that I will perfect everything that pertains onto you. You will be complete, fully satisfied and your destiny purpose will be fulfilled in Me who will make it happen for you in My time and higher ways, says the LORD.

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