Turnaround - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I will turn your sorrow into joy, says the LORD. For I Am the GOD of turnaround. Things will drastically be turned around for you. I will take you from the bottom and place you on the top. I will take you from poverty to prosperity. I will take you from emptiness to fullness. I will take you from hopelessness to being filled with new hope. I will take you from weariness and energize you. I will take you from weakness and strengthen you. I will take you from sickness and give you health for I will overturn, overturn, overturn, says the LORD.

The new is near and now, says the LORD. You have waited for Me. I have answered. I have granted your prayers, and you will know that I Am everything that you need. I will do More than you can ever ask or think, and I will move in a radical way, because you have asked of Me, believed on My name, and trusted in My Holy Word, says the LORD.

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