You will Laugh Hysterically - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I Am your comforter and your sympathizer, says the LORD. I will comfort you as I pour in the oil and the wine into your wounds and heal you. I will be your counselor as you pour out your heart to Me and I will answer you and give you the consolation that you long for. I will hold you in My arms and pour out My love upon you. I will heal your broken heart and fractured life, and restore your soul, says the LORD.

Though you have wept aloud until you can weep no more, you will laugh hysterically, says the LORD. I will give you joy for your sorrow and clothe you with My mantle of peace. You will rejoice again and sing of My goodness and mercy that you have received in the land of the living, when I turn your captivity around and deliver you from the oppression of the enemy and give you tranquility and quietness, says the LORD.

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