Your Faith Will Activate the Promises

It is your faith that pleases Me that will activate the promises of the things that I have appropriated for you to be given to you, says the LORD. Fear and doubt and unbelief are from the enemy that is trying to torment you and cause you to trust in the words and works of men, more than My infallible Word. I cannot lie, but others can. The enemy will attack you with elements of truth mixed with lies to cause you to gaze upon what exists in the natural rather than trusting Me for the supernatural, says the LORD.

I created everything that exists, and I have created you, says the LORD. I Am able to take care of everything and everyone, and never will make mistakes. It is not guess-work, for I know all about you, understand the needs that you have, and will act on your behalf, according to your faith and trust in ME. Do not allow others to talk you out of trust in Me, and stoop to the level of believing what the enemy is saying. For My Word will stand the test of time and eternity, and I will watch over it to perform it, as you come to Me in simple, child-like, dependent faith, and receive, says the LORD.

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