I Am your place of safety, says the LORD. You are secure in Me. I Am your keeper, and I Am a shelter for you. You will not be a sitting target for the enemy to abuse and destroy. I Am your shield, and hiding place, where the enemy cannot reach you. I Am your source and YOUR PROVIDER. You are not a beggar, but My beloved child. Your portion is MORE than enough, and you will eat of the good of the land and partake of the good things that I will continually freely give you, that cannot be extracted from you, says the LORD.

I Am the GOOD SHEPHERD that has already found you, brought you into the safety of My fold, and given you lush pasture to feed on and fresh and still, living waters to drink. You are never out of My sight, and never without My care. You can rest in Me, knowing that all is well, for I Am your caregiver that loves you and will give you everything that you need, and more. For you belong to Me, and nothing will harm you, as I Am your constantly abiding keeper that will never slumber nor sleep, and your shelter and place of safety forevermore, says the LORD.

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