Blessed Christmas Season and Hopeful New Year - Prophetic Light News

Blessed Christmas Season and Hopeful New Year

It has been a difficult year for all of us as we all press forward to the prize of the mark of the high calling in Christ. With the losses of our loved ones, the drama, trauma, ups and downs, we have GOD in the midst of it all. We still have unresolved issues to deal with, but we are blessed beyond measure.

Seven days after My return from my second long mission trip to Uganda this year, my mom went on to be with the LORD. I was by her side, holding her hand, when she passed. I came home early, partly because I was robbed and my personal belongings stolen. I was in a venue in Western Uganda when this took place by one of my own team members who staged a robbery. He claimed to be a holy man of GOD. He is not. We will know them by their fruits.

In that very venue, 100 percent of the people I imparted to were INSTANTLY healed and filled with the baptism in the HOLY SPIRT. As soon as I got home, the country (Uganda) shut down: all public transportation, flights, etc. Our embassy was hard pressed to find a way to get Americans home because of the Covid and lockdowns there. The night before I left, God spoke to me in the audible voice, “You will go back to America. I will fly with you.” So, I got out, just on time, despite the losses I suffered there. The return flight was going to cost me 18 hundred dollars. But the airline WAVED ALL FEES, because of the virus. This was a huge blessing!!!

I could not have known what would take place. God knew. I had 18 mission days there that I aborted to return home. But I could not have fulfilled them because of their government lockdown shortly after. We did NOT anticipate that happening. GOD has my back.

God sent me to all 7 mission trips to Africa by the audible voice. He said, “You will go to Africa, and I will pour out My Spirit. I will pour out miracles. You will impart miracles, signs and wonders, healing, deliverance, holy laughter, the Holy Spirit, … and I will use you for my glory.” And that is exactly what happened. In most venues, 100 percent were instantly healed. I reached the THOUSAND who were instantly healed, delivered, and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. On the streets, in hotels, restaurants, in the auto repair shops, everywhere I went, I laid hands on the people and they were INSTANTLY healed, then saved, then filled with the HOLY SPIRIT. Blind eyes and deaf ears were open. The lame walked, paralyzed restored. Tumors melted. All manner of diseases and pain were INSTANTLY healed. Muslims were saved after they were divinely healed. I went to a medical clinic and every patient was healed and filled with the Holy Spirit, inclusive of two doctors! People were healed in their homes, at their businesses. NO MATTER WHERE, miracles happened instantly! Two confirmed dead babies were resurrected in their mother’s wombs! It was perilous and powerful! We give GOD the glory, who does all things well.

The future is uncertain pertaining to our nation, the world, the pandemic, the ministry, and missions, but we have one assurance. God never changes. Our destinies are in His hands. My favorite prayer is the LORD’s Prayer: “Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. May you have a blessed Christmas and a New Year filled with Hope, as you continue to run the race, and keep the faith… your faith in GOD and His infallible Word, no matter what happens, what you face, or the unknown future that is in His hands.

Yours in Christ,

Prophet June Reinke

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