Be Separate, Distinct, Different, Unusual

Be filled with My Spirit, clothed with My presence, and surrounded by the light of My glory, says the LORD. For I never intended you to be ordinary and have a mundane existence. I brought you out of darkness, into the marvelous light of My kingdom that is without end. You are no longer common. You are no longer just fitting into the crowd, but you are to stand tall, stand out, be separate, different, distinct, and unusual, says the LORD.

Ordinary is not how you are to Me, but I have made you extraordinary, says the LORD. Darkness cannot destroy My light that is in you. I have called you to be as a city that is set upon a hill that cannot be hid. You are a trumpet blower. You are a sign and a wonder! You are a living message and carry My Word. Your purpose is eternal, and you are called and empowered to be different and MAKE a difference everywhere you go and in everything that you do, that they will see the GOOD WORKS that you do that bring Me glory, says the LORD.

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