Bountiful Harvest - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Bountiful Harvest

The harvest will be great, says the LORD.  No more sparse or failed harvests.  You have sown and you will reap, and your labors of love for Me will be rewarded.  You will shout for joy at the bumper crop of blessings that you will receive.  I have promised that you would have good results as you labor for Me in My Kingdom, and you will, says the LORD.

Don’t become weary in doing well, for I DO ALL THINGS WELL, says the LORD.  Do the same and you will not only reap things that are well, but you will be rewarded for your good works. I keep GOOD records and never miss a thing.  I will honor you openly in the sight of others as you have done many things for me in secret.  I will bless you and give you a harvest of good things that you have no room to contain them, and your joy will be full, says the LORD.

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