Embrace My Will As Your Own - Prophetic Light Prophecies

God will FulfillDon’t struggle against My will, says the LORD. Just trust in the times and seasons that I have set forth for your life, for the location that you live in, for all that surrounds you. Trust that the people, places and things that I have connected to you are for My own purposes, that will fulfill My precise plans for your life, says the LORD.

Embrace My will as your own, says the LORD. For when you align your thoughts with My higher thoughts, and submit to My ways that are higher than yours, you will not only please Me, but you also will have peace that surpasses your understanding. You will know that I do not make any mistakes, and I Am not only in control, but I have everything in perfect ORDER! My purposes for you are good. My plans are precise and awesome. They are not just an ideal and idea, but I will perform the good pleasure of My will in your life as you surrender all to Me and entrust Me with every detail. You will fulfill every good work that I have ordered for your life under the sun, and your live will be blessed to be a blessing to many, as I use you for My glory, says the LORD.

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