Focus on Eternal Things - Prophetic Light Prophecies

Focus on Eternal Things

Focus on eternal things that can never be taken away from you, says the LORD. I have made you a joint-heir with Me in My kingdom that is without end. The temporal things will vanish away, and all that remains is what you have invested in My kingdom. Do not waste your life on things that cannot last, for they are just a distraction and an illusion. What I have promised you is everlasting life with eternal rewards for your labor in My field. You will have many treasures that await you as you live to please Me and remain a faithful, profitable servant, says the LORD.

Do not look for an immediate harvest for what you do today, but be assured that you WILL REAP a harvest of all that you have sown. I keep perfect records and everything that you do unto Me is recorded to be rewarded, says the LORD. Those things you do in secret will be openly rewarded, for I see everything you do. I have witnessed every sacrifice and you will be shocked by the details that I have inscribed in My book of remembrance. Though you have wept, you will laugh, and your joy will never cease. You will not regret having lived for ME, for those who suffer with Me will surely reign with me, forever and ever, and great will be their reward, says the LORD.

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