Gifts and Rewards - Prophetic Light Prophecies

I do not give you wages, but I give you gifts and rewards, says the LORD. Just be faithful in even the small things that I assign you to do, for you will reap a harvest from the seeds that you plant. I will not give you a seed for a seed, and your harvest will be plentiful if you do not quit. Keep your hand to the plow. Keep up the good work, for GOOD is the seed that I give to the sower, and it will produce and bring much fruit to maturity, and you will greatly rejoice in the time of harvest, says the LORD.

Be a patient laborer in My field, says the LORD. Harvest time is coming. I will rain upon the seed. I will cause it to grow and prosper. Just sow the seed. Expect that you will reap a harvest of GOOD things, for the seed is good, and AM the ONE who has given it to you to sow, so that you will have abundance in the time of harvest, says the LORD.

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